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Don Robins

Technical Educator
8x Salesforce MVP
Salesforce Certified PDII
Salesforce Training Partner
Salesforce Certified Instructor
Author of Books, Posts, Articles, Trailhead
Pluralsight "Salesforce Play by Play" Producer


Drag and Drop Use Cases
What is Drag and Drop
Drag and Drop Concepts
Standard HTML with Visualforce
Tightly vs Loosely Coupled LWCs
Where to Learn More

We Will Not Dig Into

Full Drag and Drop JavaScript API
Drag and Drop in Aura
Drag and Drop in non-HTML Platforms
Mobile and Gesture Based Drag and Drop

Salesforce Use Cases


Salesforce Use Cases

Mapping Locations

Salesforce Use Cases

Uploading Files

What is Drag and Drop?

drag and drop


a programmatic mechanism whereby a
user can select and move an element
to another area on the page

Let's Break It Down

User "Clicks" on a displayed element
User "Drags" it across the screen
User "Drops" it somewhere else on the screen
The element appears at the new location
Associated logic may affect data

How Does It Work in HTML?

Movable Elements set as "Draggable"
Container Elements set with Listeners
Event Listeners bind to JavaScript Handlers
Handlers set DTO Payload and Drop Effects
Handlers manipulate the DOM and Data
Only some Handlers are required

Two Types of HTML Elements

Draggable Element

the selected element
being Dragged from
a source container
to a target container
(ie. URL, Image, etc.)

Target Container

a container element
the selected element can
be Dragged over and/or
Dropped into
(ie. Div, List, etc.)

Each Type Has Its Own Events

Draggable Element


Target Container


There are often multiple Target Containers

(Draggable Element)

The DragStart* event

Fires when an element is first Dragged
Handling this event is REQUIRED
Captures the element Id of the Dragged Element
Captures the element Id of the Source Container
Loads the Data and Drop Effects in the Event DTO
Typically used to set the CSS presentation

(Draggable Element)

The Drag event

Fires as an element is being Dragged
Continues to fire every few hundred milliseconds
Handling this event is OPTIONAL
Typically used to affect the CSS presentation

(Draggable Element)

The DragEnd event

Fires as a Drag operation ends
Handling this event is OPTIONAL
Typically used to reset the CSS presentation

(Target Container)

The DragEnter* event

Fires as item enters a valid Drop target
Handling this event is REQUIRED
The handler MUST call preventDefault()
Typically used to reset the CSS presentation

(Target Container)

The DragOver* event

Fires as item is Dragged over valid Drop target
Continues to fire every few hundred milliseconds
Handling this event is REQUIRED
The handler SHOULD call preventDefault()
Typically used to reset the CSS presentation

(Target Container)

The DragLeave event

Fires as item leaves a valid Drop target
Handling this event is OPTIONAL
Typically used to reset the CSS presentation

(Target Container)

The Drop* event

Fires as item is dropped on a valid Drop target
Handling this event is REQUIRED
The handler SHOULD call preventDefault()
Processes DOM changes to the Dragged element
Processes any required data or logic
Typically used to reset the CSS presentation

How do you implement
Standard HTML
Drag and Drop
in Salesforce?

Implemening Standard HTML
Drag and Drop in Visualforce

Demo Visualforce...

HTML Multiple Containers

Declare collection of Div Containers

Draggable Element
(in the 'New' source container)

Set Source Container and Draggable Item

Potential Drop Target Container
(the 'Working' container)

Set Container as Drop Target

Potential Drop Target Container
(the 'Escalated' container)

Set another Container as Drop Target

Setting Up The Event Listeners

Use selectors to fetch elements and add Listeners

DragStart Event Handler

Capture Item and Container Ids

Drop Event Handler

Fetch Item Id and reparent to Target Container

How do you implement
HTML Drag and Drop in
Lightning Web Components

LWC vs Standard HTML Differences

Both Manipulate the DOM but Differently...
Use LWC to broker the events
Abandon Event DTO and Drop Effects...
Use Custom Event and Data Payload Instead
Facilitates Data Manipulation...
Use Data Driven Reactive Rendering
(LWC avoids standard DOM Manipulation!)

Key Points

LWCs declare and handle Drag and Drop
events and broker them with Custom Events.

These messages travel up the Component
Hierarchy to a top level Master Component.

The Master Component fetches and updates
all data bound to tracked properties.

Changes to tracked properties trigger
reactive rerendering back down through
the component hierarchy refreshing the UI.

Two Architectural Approaches

Tightly Coupled

components can
be dragged to and from
source and target container

Loosely Coupled

container components
added to a Flexipage
by an App Builder and
communicate with PubSub

Tightly Coupled Components

Loosley Coupled Components

Demo LWC...

Draggable Component: Markup

Set Item as Draggable and wire its events

Draggable Component: Style

Define the Item Component's Drag style

Draggable Component: Module

Set Drag style and broker the Drag event

Container Component: Markup

Wire up both Container and Item events

Container Component: Style

Define the Container's DragOver style

Container Component: Module

Handle events that change Container style

Container Component: Module

Use helper functions to set and reset Styles

Container Component: Module

Broker the Item's DragStart event

Container Component: Module

Broker the Container's Drop event

Master Component: Markup

Wire the Container events to the Master

Master Component: Module

Declare Apex and RecordUI imports and lists

Master Component: Module

Use an @wire function to fetch and filter data lists

Master Component: Module

Validate, Update and Refresh data on Drop

Key Points

Understand standard drag and drop events
Don’t fight the framework
Leverage custom events
Leverage data capabilities
Leverage reactive rendering
Use Event Handlers to change style
Use a Master Component for Data Processing

Where Can I Learn More?

Download and Dissect the Reference App

Download and Dissect the eBikes App

Learn Standard HTML Fundamentals

Learn about Short-Stopping Handler Events

Read about the Drag and Drop HTML standard

Mozilla Developer Network

Watch this LWC Primer

Visit the Salesforce Play By Play Gallery

Search or Filter on Topic, Author, Trailhead Class

Next steps after the survey:

  • Visit our sponsors!
  • Follow me @donrobins and on
  • Keep on learning and share with your Ohana

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